There are many factors to consider in selecting the proper vibrating screen . Most important is a review of the duty the screen is expected to handle.
Certain facts must be known and to make this step easier we developed a screen injury sheet (shown on the following page). This provides a guide to obtain necessary information to intelligently make a recommendation and how to select the right vibrating screen.
The inquiry sheet is included in some of the screen bulletins and is available in pad form as well. Use this sheet whenever you have a screen injury. Send a copy of the completed form to Nordberg for review and possible follow-up assistance when needed.
Description of Basic Unit:
Nordberg Heavy-Duty GP Screen with sloped type sideplates, backplates, discharge lips, all 4′ long modular type bolt-in-trays and tension plates (except 14′ long screens), grease lubricated vibrator (except 8′ wide screens are oil lubricated), extra heavy pipe support, tubes, base mounting spring suspension (overhead suspension optional at extra price), friction checks, V-belt drive consisting of 2 screen sheaves and one motor sheave, but less screen surface, V-belts, motor and motor controls.
Single, Double and Triple Deck, Mounted at 20° slope
Single deck screens are available and are dimensionally identical to the double deck. Structural spacers are installed in place of lower decks.
Note: All dimensions are approximate and subject to change without notice. Do not use for construction purposes.
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How to select a vibrating screen
There are many factors to consider in selecting the proper vibrating screen . Most important is a review of the duty the screen is expected to handle.
Certain facts must be known and to make this step easier we developed a screen injury sheet (shown on the following page). This provides a guide to obtain necessary information to intelligently make a recommendation and how to select the right vibrating screen.
The inquiry sheet is included in some of the screen bulletins and is available in pad form as well. Use this sheet whenever you have a screen injury. Send a copy of the completed form to Nordberg for review and possible follow-up assistance when needed.
Description of Basic Unit:
Nordberg Heavy-Duty GP Screen with sloped type sideplates, backplates, discharge lips, all 4′ long modular type bolt-in-trays and tension plates (except 14′ long screens), grease lubricated vibrator (except 8′ wide screens are oil lubricated), extra heavy pipe support, tubes, base mounting spring suspension (overhead suspension optional at extra price), friction checks, V-belt drive consisting of 2 screen sheaves and one motor sheave, but less screen surface, V-belts, motor and motor controls.
Single, Double and Triple Deck, Mounted at 20° slope
Single deck screens are available and are dimensionally identical to the double deck. Structural spacers are installed in place of lower decks.
Note: All dimensions are approximate and subject to change without notice. Do not use for construction purposes.