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Stone crusher used for construction waste processing industry|Stone crusher processing waste

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Stone crusher used for construction waste processing industry|Stone crusher processing waste

June 17, 2023 nflg 0 Comments

In the past, the construction waste brought a sea of troubles for the governor and the citizens. Nowadays, it suddenly turns into the hot property for making bricks and concrete through the construction waste disposal equipment of  NFLG machinery Company.

NFLG Machinery adopts the construction waste as aggregate, and has already built the first construction waste disposal equipment system in China. It effectively solves the construction waste disposal, construction waste squander etc. NFLG Machinery artesian packing technique, on the one hand, it adopts the worked construction waste material as the aggregate, and can solve the stacking problem of construction waste, eliminating the construction waste pollution for the environment and water resource, thus reduces the cost of filling. On the other hand, the construction waste artesian packing gives consideration to slurry concentration and mobility; so as to improve the goaf filling, thus enhance the safety of urban construction. NFLG Machinery has established the professional team for construction waste disposal equipment through adopting the advantages such as management, technology and talent etc. It helps to promote the construction waste disposal equipment at home.

NFLG Machinery construction waste disposal equipment is divided into stationary type and movable type. The stationary type includes vibrating feeder , vibrating screen , jaw crusher , impact crusher , sand making machine , cone crusher etc. the movable type includes PP Series portable crushing and screening plant and crawler-type crushing and screening plant.

The recycling of construction waste handles furthest the waste resource. Meanwhile, it also prevents the problems such as the land area occupation, environmental pollution etc, and realizes the cleaner production and cyclic development.

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