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Satake hammer mill, hammer mill operating principle

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Satake hammer mill, hammer mill operating principle

June 29, 2023 nflg 0 Comments

Satake hammer mill application

Satake hammer mills arewidely used throughout theprocess industries for particlereduction applications requiringhigh capacities, powerefficiency and uniform particlesize. G series hammer mills aresuitable for grinding a range ofproducts processed in theagricultural, stockfeed and flourmilling, food andpharmaceutical industries. Thedesign of the G series millallows for fast screen changes,making it well suited toproducing different products.

There are numerous G serieshammer mills in operation inAustralia, New Zealand andthe US (over 12,000) and wehave extensive fieldexperience of theirapplication. The capacity of the hammermill is dependent on the size and type of the incomingproduct, the hammerconfiguration and the finishedproduct specification to beachieved. The grind is alsovery dependent on the holesize and open area of thescreen, the tipspeed of thehammers the distance betweenhammers and screen and thetotal screen area. We have extensive experienceof their use and can advise onthe best hammer mill andprocess flow for yourapplication.

Hammer mill operating principle

The grinding action of thehammer mill is caused by acombination of impact fromthe high tip speed of the freeswinging hammers on theproduct, particle to particleimpact and the cutting edgeof the screens and breakerbars.

The product enters at the topcentre of the machine and fallsinto the grinding area. Thecentre feed distributes theproduct across the full widthof the screen area giving evenhammer wear. Initially theproduct is impacted by thehammer and is thenimmediately conveyed to thearea between the hammer tipsand the screen by acombination of hammerinpact, air flow and centrifugalforce. In this zone the finalgrinding action is achievedand the ground product exitsthrough the apertures in thescreen.

The fast rotation of thehammers also creates a faneffect within the machineand air is drawn in throughthe inlet with the incomingmaterial and exits throughthe screen.

Satake hammer mill features

The hammer mill features a top centrefeed and fully symmetrical screenassembly, allowing the rotor to bereversed so both edges of the hammerscan be used before replacement.

The screens are “full”, giving themaximum possible screen area. Theyare located where extensive tests showthat most of the grinding takes place.They are mounted in heavy duty frameswhich maintain correct clearancebetween hammers and screens. Therotor is wide, to allow adjustment ofhammer configuration and a widevariety of product to be ground, and issupported between two heavy dutyoutboard bearings.

The hinge mounted covers that enclosethe grinding chamber can be quicklyreleased for easy maintenance andscreen changing. The hammer mill motor size and speedare selected for the application. Motorscan be mounted with a vee belt or directdrive arrangement.

Hammer mill product testing

Satake manufacture hammer millsunder licence to Prater, a leading USprocess machinery company. Satake hasadapted Prater designs specifically foruse in Australasia. Together Satake andPrater have a wealth of technical datafor a wide range of grindingapplications with test facilities availableboth in Sydney and in the US.

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