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China’s machinery manufacturing and the overall development situation Tool Industry

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China’s machinery manufacturing and the overall development situation Tool Industry

April 26, 2023 nflg 0 Comments

Although China’s Tool Industry in recent years there are no small development, but far behind the Machine tool industry. Efficiently used in the production of advanced tools, most imported from abroad (including foreign-funded enterprises in China produced the tool.) We now also export a lot of tools, but the main criteria of cheap low block tool. In 2004 China produced about 2.5 billion tool, of which 2 billion is a low-cost low-block tool (most of the exports), exports are still a few years after this basic tool is the low block. Medium size in the U.S. market twist, each value of about $ 10, while China’s production of low market price of only $ 1 blocking drills, only to be used as hand tools. China now has the world’s automotive industry, automobile industry from abroad, but efficient production line , the tool used by 80% to 90% is still the import tool (including the domestic foreign products). Now our production and supply and marketing tool is that the high-end products mainly rely on advanced tools imported from abroad, while the low block inflated tool products (mostly exports), this situation must be changed as soon as possible.

Tool Industry must change our philosophy, to develop advanced tools and efficient production, efficient use of advanced tools instead of foreign-made products, take back the possession of this part of the tool import market, emphasize on post production services, the only way, only the development of tools for enterprise future, China’s Tool Industry can be revitalized.

1. machinery manufacturing of the general situation

In recent years, China’s manufacturing industry for sustained high-speed development, China is a manufacturing country: a large number of countries in the world imports of Chinese products and China’s exports of electromechanical products accounted for the majority. Cold and the current economic crisis, industrial machinery, although more immediately affected, but the overall size and production after the United States, more than Japan, ranking second in the world, exports more than Germany, has reached first in the world, 2009 China’s auto production has surpassed the United States door to the world. China has become a truly world manufacturing country. 2010, “Global Manufacturing White Paper” published “10 global manufacturing power,” list, China ranked Zi III.

This year’s “World Machine 500”, the U.S. top 126 enterprises selected door, second home in Japan to 124, the third home of 77 selected enterprises. But this year the world’s top 10 Machine 500, the Chinese no one was selected; the world’s top 100 machinery, China was selected only 9. 2010 “World Machine 500”, China’s top 10.

But it should be recognized that China’s manufacturing industry is big but not strong, big country and can not be called manufacturing power. For example, the key link of iron, we export a large number of low-priced imports of steel and alloy steel with high added value. Exports of Machine tools is also cheap in low gear machine tools, while imports of expensive and sophisticated CNC machine tools. China’s manufacturing productivity, only the United States, Japan, 1 / 3 to 1 / 5. Although many Chinese Machinery products cheaper price, but quality is low. Recently, as the RMB appreciation and the rapid increase in domestic labor costs, coupled with the cold and the economic crisis has seriously affected the export of products in the low block, but forcing us to improve the mechanical level of industrial technology as soon as possible, change crisis into opportunity and forge ahead to create power .

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