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Coal recycling technical assistance

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Coal recycling technical assistance

July 9, 2023 nflg 0 Comments

A. Impact and Outcome
10. The impact of the TA will be reduced negative environmental impacts from waste coal heaps in Shanxi Province. The outcome of the TA will be a set of recommended policy measures to increase waste coal use in Shanxi Province.

B. Methodology and Key Activities
11. The TA will (i) provide a comprehensive utilization plan and policy recommendations for waste coal, (ii) introduce advanced energy-efficient technologies for waste coal power generation and a technical due diligence report for a 600-MW waste coal power plant utilizing CFBC technology with supercritical steam parameters, and (iii) disseminate knowledge on advanced energy-efficient technology for waste coal power generation.

12. The activities consist of two components.
(i) Component A: Development of a comprehensive plan for waste coal use and policy recommendations, and introduction of advanced energy-efficient technologies. This component will prepare a comprehensive utilization plan for waste coal for the Pingshuo coal mine in Shanxi Province. It will analyze existing policy and regulatory frameworks and make recommendations on policy measures to promote waste coal power generation.

It will analyze (a) existing technology of 600-MW supercritical CFBC and its key components; (b) thermal design methods, hydrodynamic force calculation methods, technical feasibility of outside-sets of heat exchangers, and antirubbing technology for 600-MW supercritical CFBC chambers; and (c) boiler auxiliary equipment , its arrangement, and system for 600-MW CFBC within supercritical steam parameters.

(ii) Component B: Management and knowledge dissemination. This component will manage implementation of components A and B, prepare a policy note by ADB, and organize workshops with major provincial coal producers and
government officials for knowledge dissemination.

C. Cost and Financing
13. The total cost of the TA is estimated at $650,000 equivalent. ADB’s TA funding program (Technical Assistance Special Fund-Others) will finance, on a grant basis, $500,000. The Government will finance the remaining $150,000 equivalent through in-kind contributions. The proceeds of the TA will be disbursed in line with ADB’s Technical Assistance Disbursement Handbook. 11 The cost estimates and financing plan are in Appendix 2.

D. Implementation Arrangements
14. The TA will be implemented over a period of 11 months, from October 2009 to August 2010.
15. The Executing Agency (EA) will be the Shanxi Provincial Finance Bureau, and the implementing agency (IA) will be Pingshuo Waste Coal Power Generation Co. Ltd. Both the EA and IA will provide access to relevant data, reports, and information, and provide logistical support12 and office space. For component B—a critical knowledge-sharing component of the TA design—all workshops, seminars, and conferences will be organized by the EA and IA in
close consultation with ADB.

16. The TA will require 48 person-months of national consulting services. Required experts include a (i) coal engineer, (ii) economist, (iii) environment specialist, (iv) boiler design specialist, (v) thermodynamics specialist, (vi) dynamics specialist, (vii) clean combustion specialist, (viii) material specialist, (ix) CFBC boiler debugging specialist, and (x) CFBC boiler operation specialist. Since waste coal utilization for large-scale power generation is a unique local problem to PRC—especially Shanxi Province—there is abundant local knowledge and availability of national experts to undertake TA tasks. The outline terms of reference for consultants are in Appendix 3.

17. The TA is intended to be delegated to the EA and IA. The consulting firm will be recruited by the IA under the guidance of the EA in accordance with ADB’s Guidelines on the Use of Consultants (2007, as amended from time to time) following quality- and cost-based selection in a quality–cost ratio of 80:20 for component A. A capacity assessment report was prepared for TA delegation and it concluded that the IA is capable of directly (i) managing the recruitment of consulting services, (ii) supervising the consultants, and (iii) administering the consulting services contract in accordance with ADB’s policies, guidelines, and procedures. The capacity assessment report is in a supplementary appendix. Equipment will be procured in accordance with ADB’s Procurement Guidelines (2007, as amended from time to time). Under Component B, a set of knowledge dissemination activities will be carried out by the EA and IA with prior approval and review by ADB.

18. At the end of the TA, a policy note will be prepared for the Shanxi provincial government. Knowledge dissemination, through workshops with major provincial coal producers and government officials, will be organized. The disclosure and transfer of the technical information regarding the TA should be made only after the review of the Government of the PRC.

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