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Crusher zone approach for siting new/shifted crushers

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Crusher zone approach for siting new/shifted crushers

May 9, 2023 nflg 0 Comments

In the State of Haryana, the Pollution Control Board has adopted the strategy of relocating stone crusher units in a planned/organised zone, each being given about acre land and 40 to 50 units located in a single zone. The basic infrastructure and land development has been carried out by the state government.

This attempt has been made to eliminate scattered stone crusher units in the state. Though the authorities have made their efforts to implement adoption of water spray type dust control systems by the stone crusher units, the environmental scenario remains far from satisfactory.

Most units have installed dust suppression systems comprising water tank, pump, GI pipelines and many nozzles spraying at many locations, but the dust control is hardly satisfactory. This could be primarily due to some faults in the designing of spray systems such as improper layouts, improper location of sprays, inadequate knowledge about spray systems, too many nozzles thereby improper sprays, inadequate water pressure, absence of water filter leading to choking of nozzles etc.

On one hand there are advantages of having planned crusher zone by ways of concentrating the emission generation activities but on the other hand, it has disadvantage in terms of very high level of ambient SPM concentration in and around crusher zone. The existing dust control systems in the zone are not adequate enough to control the fugitive emissions from the crusher operations.

In the absence of appropriate dust control mechanism, the gravity of environmental problem from such clusters is quite alarming and the ambient SPM levels are quite high in these clusters and since the airborne emissions in the respirable (

A study done by NPC at the Raisina Crusher Zone in Haryana reveals that the contribution by the zone in the ambient SPM level is 50857 μg/m3, which is more than 80 times higher than the prescribed standard of 600 μg/m3. This problem could be overcome by insisting on adoption of the advanced designs of dust containment cum suppression or dry collection systems by all units.

Once each unit attains dust free operations, then the “crusher zone” approach would be the best approach for siting of new crushers , provided basic infrastructure of road, electricity and water is provided by the State Government.

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