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Increase your profitability by installing V.S.I Crusher in series to your crusher

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Increase your profitability by installing V.S.I Crusher in series to your crusher

July 10, 2023 nflg 0 Comments

Vertical shaft impact machine for sale

NFLG VSI crusher machines are innovation, it is not a copy of any other make machine. The main principle is Vertical Shaft which is common in other make machines. The Design of the Rotor, Anvil sectors, the material used is entirely different than any other make. Our machine is very efficient in operation. The wear out parts can not be the only criteria to compare any two make machines. Some other things also should be considered.

The efficiency of the machine, Energy required per ton of crushing, overall life of the bearings, and other parts, general breakdown, and time required for it’s maintenance, Cost of wear parts, and replacement time, daily lubrication cost and time required for the same should also be considered. The Total Manufacturing Cost of Crushing is Explained in Details. Here with we will cover all the points for your reference.

Due to special floating design of the bearing in a Capsule, the wastage of energy in friction loss is reduced to a minimum. The ejection angle of the particles from the Rotor is also a important thing which reduces the energy loss in friction with the sides of the rotor. Proper angle of ejection and it’s striking on anvil sectors or on other stone particles is also very important for giving more production per unit of the Electrical Power. Our machine requires 2,26 KWH to 2.5 KWH for crushing per ton of stone, where as other make requires 2.7 KWH to 2.86 KWH for similar model of the machine. Which gives minimum net saving of 12 % in power. Power charges for Crusher is about Rs 2.25 per ton.

Life of the bearings in our machine is not less than 10,000 working hours or even more. This is a estimated life. After running of about 2500 hours we have checked the bearings condition, and found them as new as they were fitted with out any mark of wearing. (Design of the bearing is given by SKF Bearing Co design department and they have estimated much more. But on safer side we tell much less, We have fitted still heavier bearing than their recommendation ) . Bearings in our machines are only of SKF make, Best available in the market. As per our watch on other make machines the general failure of the bearings is much higher, and more frequently requires to change the bearings. Forced oil lubrication, in our machine gives the floating of the total vertical load, and gives perfect lubrication film on the bearing surface. Specially designed and manufactured Vee seals and oil seal gives very long life.

V.S.I crusher design

The main shaft of our machine is made from special steel, and no failure or breaking is recorded. The fitment of the shaft is also special, and is not directly connected to the bearings. Shock load if any, due to any reason is soaked by the shaft it self and very less chances for it’s transfer to the bearings. Wear parts are the main thing for the economical running of the machines. All other make use tip plates, In our Rotors it is Round Diverting Bush, Which gives four times life than tip plates, cost may be two and half times. The major portion of the shoe is having stone lining so no wear cost. Only tips bush are subject to wear.

A very special design of anvil sectors, particularly for Rotopactor utilizes the residual energy of the particles and makes the edges rounded and gives good surface texture Due to rolling and rubbing action. A cascade flow is also maintained, and the stone coming out of the rotor strikes these particles and breaks again, thus reduces the wear of the anvil, and results in full utilization of the energy. Fitting of these sectors is also very easy and those are self locked. No extra locking ring is required, Thus reduces the weight while changing, No Vaulted Anvil ring or Stob Anvil Ring is required to fit the sectors. More over our anvil sectors are reversible, so can be used twice by putting upside down.

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