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Iron mines and iron ore development of mineral prospects

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Iron mines and iron ore development of mineral prospects

April 10, 2023 nflg 0 Comments

China’s total iron ore reserves about 46,232,000,000 t (not including Taiwan Province), where C-class reserves 22.031 billion, the total world reserves is about 17.86%.

China’s iron ore is characterized by:

1) Lean ore and more rich ore less. Average ore grade is low, lean ore reserves total 97.5%, only 2.5% of high-grade ore into the furnace.

(2) Ore type complex oxide ores, polymetallic ores and refractory ores symbiosis more fine grain size and disseminated.

So almost all the ore mined are subject to mineral processing, metallurgical raw materials to improve the quality and level of comprehensive utilization of useful components.

In the 21st century, the mineral resources as an important national strategic resource, as an important foundation for social and economic development of raw materials, in national economic construction, national defense science and technology and so have a pivotal role. With the rapid growth of steel production, iron smelting increased demand for raw materials, the quality requirements is increasing.

Iron mine faces enormous opportunities and challenges, should accomplish a great deal, however, more and more low-grade domestic iron ore, iron ore and blast furnace of increasingly stringent quality requirements, foreign imports of a steady stream of high-quality iron ore strong impact on the domestic iron ore market. Large iron mine in this situation only strengthen their own technology to survive the transformation, the mine management, mining technology, and to contact the actual situation of the mine, continuing to explore positive and universities, research institutes, strengthening of new technologies development and application.

Fortunately, in recent years, workers in mineral processing in China’s positive efforts to continuously develop and innovate, and actively explore and seize the opportunity, the courage to challenge a number of mineral and technological achievements have been among the ranks of the world’s advanced level, which greatly contributed to productivity Development, and support the development of the national economy.

A major breakthrough in mineral processing

At present, iron ore concentrator processing of magnetite and hematite are two major categories, including production of magnetite concentrate iron ore production in China accounts for about 3 / 4, and most of the domestic iron mines in the mineral processing technology innovation Area was also mainly aimed at two types of ore.

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