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Iron ore production of China,Brazil,Australia,India,Russia etc

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Iron ore production of China,Brazil,Australia,India,Russia etc

April 16, 2023 nflg 0 Comments

iron ore production of China, Brazil, Australia, India, Russia, Ukraine, United States, South Africa,Sweden

People’s Republic of China
Chinese iron ore production increased in 2007 for the seventh consecutive year. Production of run-of-mine ore, as reported by the China Iron & Steel Association, was 707 Mt. This is an increase of 40% compared with the 588 Mt reported for 2006, and refl ects the continued high growth rate of the Chinese economy and the unparalleled steel-intensive development phase that China has been
experiencing over the last several years.

Brazil iron ore production
Iron ore production in Brazil increased by 5.6% in 2007 to an estimated 336.5 Mt. This was the ninth consecutive year of growth in the Brazilian iron ore industry. Pellet production increased by 7.3% from 50.5 Mt in 2006 to 54.2 Mt in 2007 and now represents 16% of total production. Exports grew by 9.3% to 269.4 Mt from 246.6 Mt in 2006. In 2006, Brazil exported 76% of its total production. In 2007, this fi gure increased slightly to 80%.

Also in 2007, Brazil became the world’s largest producer and exporter of iron ore. The two largest export markets are Europe with 80.0 Mt and the Far East (represented by China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan) with 150.9 Mt. Exports to the rest of the world totaled 38.5 Mt. Exports to European markets rose by 5.9% while exports to the Far East rose by 12% in 2007. Cia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), rebranded Vale in 2008, is by far the largest iron ore producer in Brazil and the world. Mineracoes Brasileiras Reunidas (MBR) is Brazil’s second largest producer and accounted for 20% of total Brazilian output in 2006.

Australia is the world’s third largest producer and second largest exporter of iron ore. Its iron ore production rose by 8.7% and its exports grew by 7.9% in 2007, compared to 6.8% and 3.5%, respectively, in 2006. Australia’s total production in 2007 reached 299.1 Mt while exports grew to 266.8 Mt. Rio Tinto is the largest of the iron ore mining companies in the country and ranked fourth among mining companies in the world. The other major producer of iron ore in Australia is BHP Billiton.

India iron ore production
India is the world’s fourth largest producer of iron ore. Its iron ore production has increased continuously over the last nine years and growth in 2007 was 14%, up from 180.9 Mt in 2006 to 206.9 Mt. Exports of iron ore increased by 5.0% from 89.3 Mt in 2006 to 93.7 Mt in 2007. The Indian iron ore sector is highly fragmented. Most mines are small compared to other iron ore mines in the world.

Russia iron ore production
Iron ore production in Russia rose by a modest 1.1% in 2007. Production totaled 105.0 Mt, up from 103.9 Mt in 2006. Exports from Russia were 25.5 Mt in 2007, up 12% from 2006. The most important export markets for Russian iron ore are: China, 5.7 Mt; Poland, 5.0 Mt; the Czech Republic, 2.9 Mt; the Ukraine, 2.9 Mt; Slovakia, 2.7 Mt; Romania, 1.5 Mt; Hungary, 1.3 Mt; and Italy, 1.0 Mt. China
has been by far the fastest-growing export market. Russia has three major iron ore mining districts: the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly area (KMA) on the border with Ukraine, the northwestern Kola Peninsula and Karelian area, and in the Ural Mountains. Of these three areas, KMA is the major one. Many of the mines are huge open-pit operations, some handling over 100 Mt of rock and ore annually, but the ore grades are low and, in an international comparison of output, most mines and mining companies are relatively small. Russian steel works control most of the domestic iron ore production. In recent years, they have also begun to look for alternative iron ore sources outside their traditional home turf.

Ukraine iron ore production
Ukrainian iron ore production increased by 5.9% to 77.4 Mt in 2007. Exports increased by 3% from 20.2 Mt in 2006 to 20.7 Mt in 2007. The most important exporting area for Ukrainian iron ore is Eastern Europe, which receives more than 65% of its exports. The most important destinations are, in order of importance, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia. More than 52% of Ukraine’s exports end up in these three countries alone.

United States iron ore production
Production in the United States in 2007 was 1.7% lower than in 2006 at 52.0 Mt. The proportion of pellets in the total production was almost 100%. Exports, mainly to Canada, increased in 2007, up 13% to 9.3 Mt. Imports fell by 20% from 11.7 Mt in 2006 to 9.4 Mt in 2007. Canada and Brazil continued to be the two major exporters to the United States with 93% of its iron ore imports.

Republic of South Africa iron ore production
South Africa’s production of iron ore increased by 0.6% from 41.3 Mt in 2006 to 41.6 Mt in 2007. The country accounts for more than 70% of Africa’s total production and exports but, during the last couple of years, the South African growth rate has not been as high as those of the other large iron ore producers in the world. Between 2003 and 2007, South Africa’s growth rate was 9.2%. South
African exports of iron ore increased by 16% to 30.3 Mt in 2007, up from 26.2 Mt in 2006. China is the most important market with 11.8 Mt, followed by Japan with 6.6 Mt and Germany with 5.7 Mt.

Sweden iron ore production
In 2007, the production of iron ore in Sweden increased 6.1%. The production record from 2006 was surpassed and a new record of 24.7 Mt of concentrates and pellets was set. The two largely automated underground mines (Kiruna and Malmberget), which are run by LKAB, the 100% state-controlled, sole Swedish producer of iron ore, together produced some 41.0 Mt of run-of-mine ore.
Exports grew by 6.2% to 19.4 Mt and comprised 79% of total production, compared to 78% in 2006. Pellet production accounted for 76% of the total volume, a slight increase from 2006, while pellet exports increased by 12% to 12.6 Mt. Most deliveries (68%) were bound for European markets. Other important markets were North Africa and the Middle East, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia,
Turkey, Qatar, Libya, and the United Arab Emirates.

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