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Quarry stone retaining wall installation guide

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Quarry stone retaining wall installation guide

June 11, 2023 nflg 0 Comments

Congratulations on purchasing one of the finest retaining wall systems available. Easy to install, Quarry Stone retaining walls were created with the do-it-yourself landscaper in mind. This wall system produces an attractive wall with tumbled, natural looking surfaces on all sides.

Step-by-Step Installation
The directions in this guide are for the installation of a typical barkman Quarry Stone retaining wall measuring 2′ in height and under. Use the wall diagrams shown here when you plan your design. Ask your dealer for further information.

equipment Needed
1. Standard carpenter’s level, gloves, knee pads, trowel, rake, ƒƒshovels, wheelbarrow, broom, 2 to 3 lb. hammer, chisel and safety glasses
2. Wooden stakes or metal pegsƒƒ
3. Hand tamperƒƒ
2. Concrete saw with a diamond blade (available at rental stores)

Construction details: Straight Wall
To construct a straight wall use the standard Quarry Stone units. All visible faces of each unit feature the same finish. This makes Quarry Stone easy to use. If you need to cut a unit keep the cut side hidden. Keeping the manufactured faces visible will ensure a
consistent finish.

Curved Wall
Tapered units used in combination with standard units will enable you to construct a curved wall, such as the example pictured here.

Use standard units to construct a pillar. For additional strength, it is recommended to use masonry glue for each layer. (Note: standard units may be used to construct a pillar cap, as shown in the examples above. Alternatively, a pillar may be topped with a pre-fabricated pillar cap as shown.)

  1. Planning: Mark a line on the ground where the front of the wall will be. Measure lengths and heights of each section and use these to calculate (using the estimating formula) the number and type of stones required. Important: before digging contact utilities to determine if it is safe to excavate. Planning Mark a line on the groundwhere the front of the wall willbe. Measure lengths and heightsof each section and use these to calculate (using the estimating formula) the number and type of stones required. Important:before digging contactutilitiesto determine if it is safe to excavate.
  2. Excavate: Remove soil to create a trench 8″ deep and 16″ wide. Shape slope to allow for 6″ of drainage material behind
    the wall.
  3. Prepare Base: Place filter cloth under the base and up the exposed face of the excavation. Compact base soil and ensure native soil is stable. Fill trench with well graded 3⁄4″ down granular fill and compact to a depth of 4″ below ground level.
  4. First Course: Position a level string line to mark the location of the first course. Place the first course of units on the prepared base, ensuring each unit is level front to back and side to side. Remember that the bottom row should be approximately 2″ below grade.
  5. Stack Units: Sweep the first course clean. Place next course on top with the center of each block above the joint between two blocks on the lower course. Repeat for each course.
  6. Backfill: Fill behind the wall with 3⁄4″ free draining rock, compacting the fill after every 4″ is added. Note: it is recommended to separate draining rock from fill with filter cloth. Place soil in front of the wall to ensure that the base course is completely buried. Stack more units and backfill until the desired height is achieved.
  7. Secure Coping: On the last course of wall units place a line of adhesive on the top surface. Place the Coping unit on top and apply pressure to secure.
  8. Finish Grading: After backfilling to about 6″ below the top of the wall, pull the filter cloth towards wall. Backfill the remaining area with top soil. Remember to slope the soil above and below the wall to ensure water will flow away, and not accumulate near the wall. Finish off by pulling the filter cloth towards the wall and place 6″ of soil on top.

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