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The Uses Of Preforators Recycling Equipment

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The Uses Of Preforators Recycling Equipment

May 29, 2023 nflg 0 Comments

Preforators recycling equipment helps your company reduce the amount of space used by plastics in the baler or recycling container. By perforating plastics and then flattening them, the spring-back value of material is greatly reduced, resulting in a more compact packaging of recyclables. Using Preforators recycling equipment will save time and energy by reducing the number of times an employee must empty a baler or other container. Preforators recycling equipment may be hand-fed or completely automated. Automating a process will also cause a reduction in work related injuries. Injuries on the job can be detrimental not only to the employee, but to the company in general. Medical costs and insurance premiums are cut by automation.

Preforators recycling equipment work by processing PET or HDPE plastics with a special drum and knife system. The plastics are fed into the open end of the perforator, then move down to the drum and knife system where the plastic is crushed and torn. After the process is finished, the plastics are deposited into a large box or baler according to your company’s needs.

Some preforators recycling equipment and machines can handle not only plastics, but metal cans. Metal may be crushed and cut or torn much the same as plastics. Soft metals, like aluminum are easily crushed and torn. In some of the machines that can handle both plastics and metal, both materials may be fed into the Preforators recycling equipment at the same time. Another benefit of this type of perforator is even more added energy and time savings. Purchasing one machine to do the job of two will reduce electricity costs, along with manpower overhead.

Preforators recycling equipment also reduces transportation costs. Flattening plastic containers reduces the room taken up in the transport container. By fitting more plastic inside a container, recyclers are able to move more material, instead of paying to transport air from one location to another.

Preforators recycling equipment is the answer to the problem of driving air-filled balloons from the consumer to the recycling plant and beyond. This works with plastics and metal cans that contain mostly air. Any container that maintains its shape during shipping increases fuel costs. Crushing or tearing is the first line of defense against the rising cost of fuel. Reducing costs in all aspects of recycling and the collection of recyclables means that your company can stay at the forefront of the growing eco-industries. Consumers the world over are ready to recycle more than ever. Keeping up with their demands for recycled products will increase your reputation and profits.

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